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Tooth Extractions Specialist

Advanced Family Dentistry

Dentists located in Rancho Cucamonga, CA

A tooth extraction is sometimes the only way to preserve your oral health when you have a damaged or decayed tooth. At Advanced Family Dentistry in Rancho Cucamonga, California, board-certified dentist Reza Parhizkar, DDS, performs simple and surgical extractions. After a comprehensive evaluation, Dr. Parhizkar can determine the right type of extraction for you. Call Advanced Family Dentistry or schedule an appointment online today to learn more about tooth extractions.

Tooth Extractions Q & A

What are tooth extractions?

A tooth extraction is a procedure that removes both the crown (visible above the gum line) and root portion of a tooth. There are two types: simple and surgical.

Simple extraction

During a simple extraction. Dr. Parhizkar administers a local anesthetic to numb the area around your tooth. Then, he uses a dental elevator to loosen and remove the tooth. The procedure is quick and simple.

Surgical extraction

A surgical extraction is necessary when the affected tooth is partially or fully trapped beneath the gum line. 

After administering an anesthetic, Dr. Parhizkar makes an incision in your gums and uses special dental instruments to remove the tooth. He may need to remove the tooth in fragments if it’s fractured. Finally, Dr. Parhizkar sutures the incision to prevent infection.

Who needs tooth extractions?

A tooth extraction is typically a last resort if other treatments have failed to preserve your tooth. Dr. Parhizkar may recommend a tooth extraction if you have a:

  • Fractured tooth
  • Loose permanent tooth
  • Tooth infection
  • Injured tooth
  • Crowded mouth
  • Severe tooth decay
  • Advanced periodontal disease
  • Impacted wisdom tooth

Wisdom teeth are your final molars. Often called your third molars, these teeth develop between the ages of 17-21. Because your mouth is already fully developed by the time your wisdom teeth emerge, it may not be large enough to accommodate them. As a result, wisdom teeth can become impacted, infected, or damaged.

What happens after tooth extractions?

Protecting your incisions is essential after a tooth extraction. Normally, a blood clot forms to protect the open wound while your gums heal from the procedure. If the blood clot doesn’t form properly or dislodges, your nerves and underlying bone can become exposed. That is called a dry socket. Without treatment, the dry socket can become infected.

To prevent dry socket after a tooth infection, you should:

  • Avoid smoking
  • Clean the treatment area
  • Change your dressings
  • Gently use antibacterial mouth rinse (at least 24 hours after surgery)

Contact Dr. Parhizkar right away if you experience symptoms, such as swelling, pain, or halitosis (bad breath).

To learn more about tooth extractions, call Advanced Family Dentistry or schedule an appointment online today.