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Teeth Whitening Specialist

Advanced Family Dentistry

Dentists located in Rancho Cucamonga, CA

A beautiful white smile is a perfect complement to healthy teeth and gums. At Advanced Family Dentistry in Rancho Cucamonga, California, board-certified dentist Reza Parhizkar, DDS, offers Zoom!® teeth whitening to enhance the color of your smile dramatically. Zoom! combines the latest dental technology with proven chemical solutions to whiten discolored teeth as quickly as possible. To learn more about teeth whitening, call Advanced Family Dentistry or schedule an appointment online today.

Teeth Whitening Q & A

What is teeth whitening?

Teeth whitening is a bleaching process that lightens discolored teeth. At Advanced Family Dentistry, Dr. Parhizkar offers Zoom! Whitening, which combines a hydrogen peroxide gel with a mercury metal halide light to quickly remove unwanted tooth stains. While many whitening solutions are available, Zoom! offers fast and dramatic results without harming your teeth.

What are the benefits of Zoom! teeth whitening?

Zoom! teeth whitening offers many advantages over other bleaching treatments. In fact, Zoom! whitening can:

  • Treat all teeth simultaneously
  • Reduce tooth sensitivity during treatment 
  • Provide long-lasting results
  • Remove stains from crowns and veneers
  • Offer fast treatment times

Dr. Parhizkar performs chairside whitening from the comfort of his office. After a comprehensive evaluation, he can determine whether you’re a good candidate for teeth whitening. Most individuals can benefit from whitening treatments, but women who are pregnant or lactating should not use teeth whitening.

Whitening treatments only work on healthy teeth. If you have damage or decay, Dr. Parhizkar must treat your condition before performing Zoom!

How does Zoom! teeth whitening work?

Zoom! teeth whitening contains a hydrogen peroxide gel that breaks down into oxygen molecules when applied to the teeth. These molecules help remove stains and discoloration. Dr. Parhizkar uses a mercury metal halide light to accelerate the whitening process for fast, dramatic results that last.

The light is an infrared filter that reduces the level of heat released during the procedure. As a result, Zoom! causes less sensitivity than other whitening solutions.

What happens during Zoom! teeth whitening?

Before the procedure, Dr. Parhizkar performs a comprehensive teeth cleaning to remove any plaque and bacteria. He then protects your eyes and gums with special guards before applying the whitening agent. A specialized light activates the whitening gel for about 15 minutes. After removing the gel, Dr. Parhizkar applies another layer and cleanses your teeth.

Depending on the original shade of your teeth, Zoom! can brighten your smile by up to eight shades or more.

What causes yellow teeth?

Many individuals experience tooth discoloration with age. Enamel, the thick layer on the outside of your teeth, protects the soft dentin underneath. Since dentin is darker than enamel, those with thicker enamel typically have whiter teeth than those with a thin protective layer. As you age, your enamel naturally thins.

Other factors that can stain your teeth and erode your tooth enamel include:

  • Coffee and tea
  • Red wine
  • Soy sauce and marinara sauce
  • Certain medications
  • Chemotherapy and radiation
  • Genetics
  • Tobacco use
  • Poor oral hygiene

To learn more about teeth whitening, call Advanced Family Dentistry or schedule an appointment online today.