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Laser Dentistry Specialist

Advanced Family Dentistry

Dentists located in Rancho Cucamonga, CA

With highly accurate precision, laser dentistry effectively replaces drills at your dentist’s office. Reza Parhizkar, DDS, is a board-certified dentist at Advanced Family Dentistry in Rancho Cucamonga, California, where he performs a variety of procedures with the Waterlase® laser. To learn more about laser dentistry, call Advanced Family Dentistry or schedule an appointment online today.

Laser Dentistry Q & A

What is laser dentistry?

Laser dentistry uses beams of light energy to perform many dental procedures. Using a narrow, focused beam, the Waterlase laser can penetrate both hard and soft tissues with a higher level of accuracy than traditional drills or bladed instruments.

What can laser dentistry do?

Laser dentistry can replace drills and cutting instruments in a wide range of dental procedures. At Dr. Parhizkar’s office, the Waterlase laser can:

  • Treat cavities
  • Place fillings
  • Reduce hypersensitivity
  • Treat periodontal disease
  • Remove soft tissue folds
  • Lengthen crowns
  • Treat a gummy smile

The Waterlase laser requires no drilling, injections, or anesthesia in many cases, allowing for a more comfortable experience.

What are the benefits of laser dentistry?

Laser dentistry eliminates the pain and discomfort that often accompanies tools with heat, vibration, and pressure. Because the Waterlase laser is extremely precise, it won’t disturb any tissue outside of your treatment area. That helps reduce pain and promotes a healthy recovery.

The most common benefits of laser dentistry include:

Reduced trauma

While high-speed drills can lead to hairline fractures in the treated tooth, laser dentistry minimizes damage to the healthy portions of your tooth.

Less swelling and bleeding

The Waterlase laser uses a narrow beam that cuts into your gums without disturbing the surrounding tissue, resulting in less swelling and bleeding than traditional procedures.


Laser dentistry can treat both hard and soft tissues. It can detect and treat cavities and minimize the effects of gum disease, place fillings, and perform root canal therapy.

Fewer dental visits

Since laser dentistry rarely requires anesthesia, injections, or incisions, Dr. Parhizkar can prep your teeth and perform your procedure in one visit.

Reduced pain

One of the most popular benefits of laser dentistry is that its precision leads to less pain than traditional drilling and cutting. Laser treatments can also accelerate your recovery time with less pain, swelling, and trauma than traditional dentistry.

Lower risk of infection

Laser dentistry helps kill bacteria, which lowers your risk of infection while you recover from your procedure.

To learn more about laser dentistry, call Advanced Family Dentistry or schedule an appointment online today.