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Dental Crowns Specialist

Advanced Family Dentistry

Dentists located in Rancho Cucamonga, CA

If you have cracked, broken, or misshapen teeth, dental crowns can help restore their shape and size. Reza Parhizkar, DDS, is a board-certified dentist at Advanced Family Dentistry in Rancho Cucamonga, California, where he offers a variety of dental crowns. A crown repairs the appearance and function of a damaged tooth while protecting it from further injury. To learn more about dental crowns, call Advanced Family Dentistry or schedule an appointment online today.

Dental Crowns Q & A

What are dental crowns?

Dental crowns are caps that are shaped like teeth. They fit over the visible portion of damaged teeth to restore their shape, size, and color. Crowns also protect injured teeth against further damage and help seal out bacteria to prevent decay. 

While crowns are available in a variety of materials, porcelain is durable and closely matches the natural shade of your teeth. The material is also simple to clean and resistant to stains.

What can dental crowns treat?

Crowns most often restore and protect damaged teeth. You may be a good candidate for dental crowns if you have:

  • Chipped teeth
  • Cracked or broken teeth
  • Discolored teeth
  • Misshapen teeth
  • Overly short teeth
  • Teeth treating with large fillings
  • Weakened teeth

If you have a missing tooth, Dr. Parhizkar may also recommend a dental crown at Advanced Family Dentistry. Crowns can attach to dental implants and bridges to restore your tooth appearance and function.

What can I expect from the dental crowns process?

Placing a dental crown typically takes two visits. During the first appointment, Dr. Parhizkar takes highly accurate impressions of your tooth to serve as models for your custom-made crown. These molds also help create your temporary crown. Before you leave your first appointment, Dr. Parhizkar removes any leftover decay from your tooth.

Dr. Parhizkar then sends your molds off to an outside laboratory to create your crowns. The process takes about 2-3 weeks, during which time you will wear a temporary crown to protect your tooth. 

When you return to the office, Dr. Parhizkar removes your temporary crown and replaces it with your permanent restoration. He starts by cleaning the tooth and checking for the correct fit. Once the crown feels comfortable and blends in with your surrounding teeth, he cements it in place. 

Crowns look and function just like your natural teeth. Avoid overly hard or chewy foods, like caramels, to preserve your crown’s durability. With the right care, your crown can last for up to 15 years. Regular checkups at Advanced Family Dentistry are essential to protect your crown and identify early signs of damage.

To learn more about dental crowns, call Advanced Family Dentistry or schedule an appointment online today.